дома на отец

дома на отец

Румыния 2016

Дата публикации: 20 февраля 2016
Просмотров: 257

Фото нравится: +3




Комментарии (1)
Iwan Iwanov # 20 февраля 2016 в 23:16
I don't really have a driving licence.I take sometime a little spoon of motor oil but doesn't work without enough food, I was drinking the wine at 5.50 in the morning and the name means the one that gives birth (female animal or maybe the baby in the old Romanian), the book is all politics and the author gave an autograph on it to my father now dead, I search the Spanish words as I know Italian learned and I'm not sure about some words, I really liked more (natural) Spain but I don't eat fruits, I was having at that time a tooth pain because of dry and sweet at the right of the stomach and wasn't working the motor oil, I really buy only vegetables.
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Фотолюбитель Санкт-Петербург
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Фотолюбитель Томск
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Фотограф Хабаровск
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Фотограф Хабаровск
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