Комментарии (4)
Robert Elliot # 6 октября 2014 в 06:55
Remarkable building but is it practicable? Could you tell me what it is called and what it will be used for?. I see there are other unusual buildings in the block.
Юлия Егорова # 8 октября 2014 в 15:42
This is a business center in Moscow, called the Moscow City .. and that there will be more besides offices known only to developers))) must
Robert Elliot # 9 октября 2014 в 04:58
Thank you for that information Julia. I have searched on Google and found many web-sites (many either out of date or only "concept" pictures). But I do not think any match your photo either for detail or the picture they convey. So take a bow for an excellent photo of this lovely block.
Have you been inside? There are some very good photos on "Flickr" and an excellent night shot. I have attached the URL - I hope.
Юлия Егорова # 9 октября 2014 в 23:42
I was not even inside) and really want a night shoot. But has not yet obtained
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Фотограф Хабаровск
Фотограф Хабаровск
Фотолюбитель Томск
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Фотограф Хабаровск
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